Saturday, December 24, 2011


Merry Christmas 'eve' from florida (=

Its a beautiful day today here, A little bit of clouds but at least the sun is out!

I have to hurry and write a quick blog before i have to get up, shower and clean up my house.
My mom is coming over to hang out for a bit today, Then hopefully ill have the rest of the evening to myself.
Im going to make dinner for them tomorrow night (:
So maybe my mom will want to get out of the house today. I dont have any money for shopping,
But i would like to go somewhere. Not sit around all day long. lol
I need to get light bulbs for my house, Mine are all dieing out. =P
Seems so dark in my house, I have to open like every window to make it bright in here.
So i managed to paint my nails last night.

White with red polka dots! (=
I cant wait till tomorrow to open the gifts my mom got me, Its only 3 but still. (:
My lil doggie is excited too! hehe

Hes so adorable, I am making more cookies today too! Damn me and these cookies. I hope i dont gain 10 pounds. lol
I am going to try playing basketball. With my boyfriend. We have to get a ball pump first though, So that shall be fun and exciting. I need to get more exercise.
I will try to write more later, But if i cant, Ill write tomorrow or something (;
Hope everyone is having a great day! xoxo