Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas (=

I did my nails for Christmas (= First time i have did designs in a while..
Im going to start getting creative again.
Just opened my 3 presents that i had under my tree.  (:
I cant say im jumping for joy, but its the thought that counts.
Im glad my mom got me something this year or id be real unhappy.
Waking up by myself on christmas was not what i had in mind for today..
For some reason i thought by now maybe my boyfriend would have moved in and i wouldnt be alone =/
Oh well. He cant move in until he gets his own car. He drives his moms right now.
Im just going to try to be happy. How could you not on a day like this?
Me and the boyfriend have been fighting a lot recently...
I need to lay off the arguing over stupid things. and being such a bitch to him..
I do want a future with him though, i hope he wants the same..
Because i do not wanna be alone next year. lol
So i think im going to make some food for breakfast. I wish i had some coffee.
My mom usually buys it so i havent had it in a while..
I like having my Christmas tree up though, its pretty. I will take it down before the 1st,
But i like it up haha.
I hope the sun comes out today, I wanna get a tan. I need one. =P
I should be sleeping right now, I will try to blog later, Who knows (;