Monday, January 2, 2012


||| Hey everyone (= |||
Hope everyone is having a good start to the week.
 I didnt blog yesterday because i was feeling soo sick.
My boyfriend came over to spend new years with me (: Surprise! He brought alcohol. LOL so i got sooo drunk and yeah.
I had got so sick yesterday and the hangover, omg.. because it was vodka & i usually dont drink that.
So i didnt get shit done yesterday, just slept and got sick all day. But it was a great start to the new years (=
Today was a good day, Got a lot of work done. Still much more to do before bed.
I might be up really late. Got myself a redbull.. it helps a lot. It hurts a lot when i breathe in, i dont know why.. I might have slept wrong or something.
So i went to publix today to get some food or something, oh my.. SOO many people.
I have never seen such a crowd in a grocery store, I mean maybe walmart, but it was MAD.
I hate people for some reason.. The loudness and crazyness makes my nerves nuts.
I ended up not getting anything but dinner for tonight & some snacks and a drink.
I had to get out of there. LOL
I need to get food, I found these black beans & rice stuff. Thought i would try it, It was actually pretty good.
Ill be making it again with ham hocks or something. mmmm (: Doesnt look very good, but its good stuff.

I think its also pretty good for you, well actually i have no clue, But heres the information
Not bad..
I got some dried mango from the store to snack on (: I love dried fruit.
So im finally gunna do my nails tonight since they are looking like crapppp. LOL
Wonder what ill do next (;
So i figured out what im gunna get my boyfriend as a late christmas present..
A yankees hat. he said in blue, but i looked and they have sooo many. Im just gunna let him go pick it out. =P
I dnt really like going into mens sporty stores - Not to say i wouldnt, But he might wanna pick it out so i dont get the wrong color or something.
Im trying to think of something else to get him.. Im sure ill think of something eventually.
Hope everyone is having a good night, Ill blog in the morning (;

PS. Might be camming tonight, Email, or yahoo me to ask.
^^ yahoo