Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Morning 12/7

Painted my nails green! (=
Not really a Christmas green, but its still pretty. lol
I have so much to get done today, My house is a mess.. and i cant stand it.. LOL
I figured i would write a blog this morning, since i have a bit of time on my hands today.
I absolutely love my mom. Even though she moved out, she still helps me out a LOT..
I didnt have anything to eat or drink in the house, I havent been able to get to the store lately,
and she brought me some soda, tea, meals, and some cigarettes AND breakfast this morning.. I wasnt expecting it, so it was really nice (=
I really do appreciate all that my mom does for me.. I wish i could thank her in some way.
I have to get her something for Christmas, im just not sure what yet..
My older sister moved away a few months ago, and she is coming to town a week before Christmas..
So that will be nice to see her again! I miss seeing her..
I love the holiday season because it involves seeing family, and giving presents, and good food...
I think im going to try to do a Christmas dinner type thing.. Since my Thanksgiving wasnt very good..
Ive been paying all the bills in my house by myself.. so it will be hard for me to spend $ this christmas..
Next year will be much better. I really do have high hopes. I hope everyone is looking forward to the new year!
Im off to get some shit done around here. haha