Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday eve

Hello all my lovers (:
Well, if your reading this -
then thank you for checking out my blog!

I just started it, so bare with me until i make it a bit more interesting! hehe
I wanted to start a blog, that way i can update everyone (that is interested) with whats going on in my life, work and personal. This is going to be a "put it all out there" "tell it like it is" blog. Hope everyone can hear me out. If not, you dont have to read my blogs anyways. Im not here to impress anyone or brag about myself. This is for those who want to get to know me, and those who are interested in my life.

So i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Mine was okay, nothing to boast about.
I am so thankful for all my fans and members i have gained from being on Southern-Charms.
This has been my best year thanks to everyone and the support i have gotten from Southern-Charms.
I am really enjoying being a model, and taking sexy photos everyday!
I plan on updating my website, almost everyday. I hope to try to keep the members that i gain, And build my site to make it great! I have been being pretty creative lately, and have lots of photo sets waiting to be posted.

I have been dealing with a lot of stuff going on in my personal life..
I just recently started living on my own, My mom finally decided to move out.
I was surprised but excited because i have always wanted to live by myself, that way i would have more privacy to spend my time taking pictures and doing what i love. Even though it gets lonely here by myself sometimes, I still enjoy it more because im more active in my work life.
I want to sucseed, and  i have pretty high standards for myself. I have to sucseed at work, and living on my own. They come hand-in-hand.. I just hope this new year is going to be a good one. I can only be positive.
I hope i meet a lot of the goals i have made for myself.. I have a list in my head.
Wish me luck!

I also want to mention, if anyone wants to comment on anything or just send me a message, feel free to!
I am super friendly, and always respond within 24-48 hours unless im out of town or busy, or on vaca.

I also just opened a twitter account, so you can follow me as well, If your into twitter. (=!/KayleeMarieSC2

I will be writing more, I will try to remember to update this daily, or at least once a week.