Thursday, February 23, 2012


Update! (: 2/23

Got my rent paid! It was $1025 so i had to sell my car to help,
Sold it for $500! Owch. yeah but whatever it was old anyway..
Better than nothing, Thanks to a couple of my highest contributors on mygirlfund,
and my loving mommy <3 I got the other half, and paid my rent, Now i just got to worry about february's rent now. Ugh! And utilities.
My Power bill is due on the 24th, tomorrow! So i called to get an extention yesterday, and they gave me one for 2 intallements, which ive never had before - weird.. So its $74 due today, yeah i was like wtf  i thought this was an extention not a discount! But anyways and the $50 is due on march 6th.
I just dont wanna be without power like i was last month!
Not to mention, i have to pay my water, and cable bill too. This is a little much. I thought i was goin to be able to do it on my own, But getting my monthly" 3 times this month deff doesnt help me at all!
Ugh! Well, I just need to keep positive and make that $$!

In the mean time, im looking into getting a part- time job for times like this.

ALL CONTENT (Reduced to) $5

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